A slip, trip and fall claim* is for the personal injury you suffer due to an accident that is not wholly your fault in a public place. You could slip on a wet floor in the café, trip on a poorly-maintained warehouse, or fall over cables at a concert and have a slip, trip and fall claim* for the personal injury.

You could pull a muscle in your leg, tear a ligament in the shoulder or do severe damage to the spine in a slip, trip and fall accident. The owner of the pub, your employer in the workplace or the local council in the park owe you a duty of care. If they breach that duty of care and you suffer a personal injury, you could have a slip, trip and fall claim*.

A slip, trip and fall claim* in Ireland seeks compensation for the effects of the injury suffered today and in the future. You may not be able to work, take care of yourself or be unable to drive, and you claim* for these effects against the negligent party.

PBN Litigation Solicitors have the experience to handle your slip, trip and fall compensation claim*.

What is a slip, trip and fall claim*?

A slip, trip and fall claim* is for compensation when you suffer an injury due to the negligence of others. It could be a workplace accident or an accident in public, but if you slip, trip and fall through no fault of your own, you could have a compensation claim*.

In Ireland, seven people are injured every day in a slip, trip and fall type accident, and the majority of the accidents occur on the same surface level. In the Irish workplace, slip, trip and fall accidents take second place on the list of workplace accidents and lead to more than 22% of injured employees needing to have a month or more off work.

Types of slip, trip and fall accidents in Ireland:

  • A child breaks their wrist in a slip on a wet supermarket floor
  • A young mother breaks an arm in a fall while at a concert
  • An employee trips over wires on the office floor and tears ankle ligaments
  • A fan at a soccer match slips on a muddy path, injuring their shoulder
  • A runner suffers cuts and bruises in a fall in the poorly-lit local park

If a slip, trip and fall accident is not your fault or not wholly your fault, you could have a personal injury compensation claim*. You may not be able to drive, need to take time off work or be incapable of playing sports for a time, and you may be able to claim* compensation.

PBN Litigation Solicitors can look at your case and see if you have a valid slip, trip and fall compensation claim*.

Injuries in a slip, trip and fall personal injury accident

Injuries in a slip, trip and fall personal injury accident range from the sprained wrist in a trip at the office to cuts and bruises in a slip in the supermarket to the broken hip in a fall off the train. You claim* for the effect of the injury today and in the future, such as chronic pain, being off work and any medical bills.

You may suffer life-changing injuries in an accident that was not your fault, and you could be able to claim* compensation for the personal injury.

Some of the injuries seen in slip, trip and fall personal injury accidents:

  • Injury to the hand
  • Injury to the fingers
  • Injury to the arms and shoulders
  • Injury to the head
  • Injury to the neck
  • Injury to the hips
  • Injury to the legs
  • Injury to the knees
  • Injury to the ankle
  • Injury to the feet
  • Injury to the eyes
  • Injury to the skin

A personal injury can cause you to lose income, need home care, and restrict your ability to drive and stay in your chosen field of work.

You may be able to make a compensation claim* for the slip, trip and fall injury that was not wholly your fault.

PBN solicitors work with you to get the compensation you deserve.

We pride ourselves in taking the stress out of personal injury litigation by providing a service dedicated to the client.

Common slip, trip and fall injury claims* in Ireland

Common slip, trip and fall injury claims* in Ireland are for broken fingers in a fall from a bus, torn ligaments in a slip on a restaurant floor and cracked ribs after a trip in the workplace.

A slip, trip and fall injury can happen when the property owner, employer or public authority breaches their duty of care to employees, visitors, and members of the public.

The Health and Safety Authority issues guidelines on preventing slip, trip and fall accidents. For an employer, property owner or public authority to not follow the HSA guidelines and cause an accident, may result in a personal injury compensation claim*.

Some slip, trip and fall injury claims* in Ireland may be:

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* in the workplace

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* in the workplace are for injuries you suffer when at work and your employer breaches their duty of care to you. 

The employer has a duty of care to provide a safe workplace, and if you have a slip, trip and fall accident in the workplace, you may have a compensation claim*.

Common workplace slip, trip and fall compensation claims*:

  • A slip on a greasy surface in the car service area
  • A trip over loose scaffolding boards on the building sites
  • A fall down broken stairs at the warehouse

If you are injured in a workplace accident that may not be your fault, you could have a slip, trip and fall in the workplace compensation claim*.

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* on public property

Slip, trip, and fall injury claims* on public property are for injuries suffered while out walking the dog, training in the local park, or browsing the shopping centre on a Saturday morning. 

The owner of a public property, be it a landlord, the local council, or event centre management, owes you a duty of care and must provide a safe public access space. If you suffer a slip, trip and fall you may have a public property compensation claim*.

Common slip, trip and fall claims* on public property can be:

  • A fall over uncollected rubbish in the local park
  • A trip over broken paving stones on the street in town
  • A slip on wet stairs at the busy supermarket on a rainy day

The public property owner should keep their public access clear and safe for use. You may have a compensation claim* for an injury in a slip, trip and fall accident.

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* in hospitality

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* in hospitality are for the injuries you could suffer while out for a meal in the local restaurant or even when using the bathroom in the hotel lobby. 

Hospitality areas are busy spaces, but the owner must keep the bar, café, hotel and concert arena safe for all users. 

Common slip, trip and fall injury claims* in hospitality could be:

  • Trip on a torn piece of carpet in the restaurant
  • A fall over broken seating while out for a drink in the pub
  • A slip on the wet floor of the hotel reception

Any injury in a hospitality setting could cause you pain and unnecessary suffering. You may have a compensation claim* for the effects of the slip, trip and fall injury.

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* in healthcare

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* in healthcare are responsible for many personal injury claims* in Ireland. Hospitals, clinics, A&E departments, and GP surgeries can be busy places, but management must keep them safe for all users.

Some of the common slip, trip and fall injuries seen in healthcare settings:

  • A slip on the wet floor in the bathroom on the ward
  • A trip on the floor of the poorly maintained A&E department
  • A fall on the broken step in the doctor’s surgery

If you suffer a slip, trip and fall injury in a healthcare setting, you could suffer the effects for life.

A PBN Litigation solicitor can look at the case and see if you have a valid slip, trip and fall claim* for compensation.

Slip, trip and fall injury claims* in transport settings

Slip, trip, and fall injury claims* in transport settings are for injuries you suffer while using public or private transport. The injury could be severe if you fall from a height and any injury in a slip, trip and fall accident could affect you today and in the future.

Some of the common slip, trip and fall injury claims* in transport may be:

  • A broken leg after a fall down the steps of the bus that stops suddenly
  • A torn shoulder cuff after the trip on the wet floor of the train
  • A fractured jaw after a slip on the untreated icy bus stop

The owner of the train, bus, tram, and minibus taxi owes you a duty of care. If you suffer a slip, trip and fall injury that was not your fault, you could have a compensation claim*.

PBN Litigation Solicitors have experience dealing with slip, trip, and fall claims*. We can look at the details of your case and advise you on how to make your slip, trip, and fall compensation claim*.

Compensation for personal injury in Ireland

Compensation for personal injury in Ireland can be for a broken bone in a fall on the wet bathroom in a café or facial lacerations for a slip on broken glass in the pub. You claim* for the effects of the injury today and in the future, such as the need for full-time personal care for life.

The compensation awarded in Ireland for personal injury differs depending on the injury or injuries you suffer, such as the consequences of scarring to the face in a slip while on public property or of breaking a leg in a fall at the workplace.

Injury in a personal injury case could cause unnecessary pain and emotional stress. You could spend time in hospital and be unable to work or look after family members in your care.

There is not one fixed compensation award for any personal injury claim*. A personal injury solicitor can only give you an idea of what is possible when you suffer injury in a slip, trip and fall case.

Every compensation claim* is different. You may experience pain and suffering due to the accident, which could affect your ability to work, travel, and provide for your family. 

With your slip, trip and fall personal injury claim*, you seek damages for the effect of the slip, trip and fall injury or injuries such as a twisted ankle, snapped tendon or torn hamstring today and in your future life. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can explain how the process works and how to make a claim* for slip, trip and fall personal injury compensation.

Contact PBN solicitors today for all your personal injury compensation needs.

How to make a claim* for slip, trip and fall personal injury compensation

There are a few steps to follow when you make a claim* for slip, trip and fall personal injury compensation in Ireland.

You must engage with the Personal Injury Assessment Board, PIAB, as the first step in your claims process.  

Making a personal injury claim* may seem daunting, but with the help of PBN Litigation Solicitors, you can navigate your way through what can be a complicated process.

The steps to follow when making a slip, trip and fall personal injury claim* in Ireland are:

You should engage a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible to further your personal injury claim*. The team at PBN Litigation Solicitors can advise on your case and how it could proceed.

With our no-obligation consultation, we can meet with you in confidence and advise you on the strengths of your slip, trip and fall case. 

To investigate your case, we will request an initial medical report from your doctor outlining the injuries you sustained in the workplace accident, when out shopping or having a drink in the local bar.

Updated reports with a final prognosis from your doctors will be taken before your case is settled. 

We will help investigate your case by taking witness statements or by making Data Access requests for CCTV footage/personnel files. 

Submission of the personal injury claim* to the PIAB will follow. Upon receipt of your medical report from your doctor, we may submit the claim* to the PIAB.  

The PIAB will contact the negligent party and their insurers. The negligent party has 90 days to confirm to the PIAB whether they will consent to the PIAB assessing the claim* or decline to permit the PIAB to assess the case.  

If they agree to permit the board to assess the slip, trip and fall claim*, the PIAB has nine months to do so. The PIAB can extend this period by several months if they wish to do so.

Within the nine-month period, you will be sent for an independent assessment by an independent injuries board doctor.  

The PIAB will issue a Letter of Assessment to you and to the negligent party. In the letter, they will outline what compensation you are due for the slip, trip and fall personal injury. 

If you and the negligent party agree to the Letter of Assessment, the PIAB issues an Order to Pay, where the negligent party must pay the compensation payment to you by a specific date. 

Unfortunately, you may need to go to court if the negligent party denies responsibility for the personal injury or the two sides cannot agree on an acceptable level of compensation. 

Going to court may be the final step in resolving your personal injury case. Your solicitor will take over the running of your case from the PIAB when court becomes the only option. 

Your solicitor will issue the court proceedings and advise you along every step of what can be a difficult process for the family. 

Court proceedings can be protracted, and you will need experience and expertise on your side when in the courtroom. 

In some cases, a slip, trip and fall claim* is settled on the steps of the court when the negligent party meets the person who suffered the personal injury. 

What are the time limits for making a personal injury claim* in Ireland?

There is a two-year time limit for personal injury claims** in Ireland. You should start the process of engaging a solicitor and applying to the PIAB before the two-year limit is reached; being able to form a claim* while the details are fresh in your head could be invaluable to the case.

You may only realise, however, that your injury is due to a slip, trip and fall accident after the two-year time limit has passed, and you may need to refer to what is known as the ‘Date of Knowledge.’ ‘The Date of Knowledge’ is the date when you realise that the slip, trip and fall accident caused the suffering you are experiencing. 

You may see a doctor, for example, with what you think is a new complaint, but they may see a path back to the workplace accident or accident in public that happened more than two years previously.

Parents can make a personal injury claim* on behalf of a child at any time until they reach 18 years of age. Once a child turns 18, they have a two-year time limit to start a personal injury claim* or from the date of knowledge they realise what happened to them.

Where possible you should make the personal injury claim* immediately after realising you are suffering from one due to a slip, trip and fall accident. 

Your PBN Litigation solicitor can advise on all aspects of the personal injury compensation claim*.

Start your personal injury claim* today

Start your personal injury claim* for a slip, trip and fall injury today by contacting PBN Litigation Solicitors. 

If you have suffered from a slip in the workplace, a trip while out for a drink, or a fall while getting off the bus, then PBN Litigation Solicitors have the experience and expertise to manage your compensation claim*. 

You, the client, are the one injured in the slip, trip, and fall accident and are in recovery. The last thing you should have to worry about is dealing with the PIAB or the courts when recovering from the personal injury. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can take on your case and work with you to get the compensation you deserve.

We pride ourselves in taking the stress out of personal injury litigation by providing a service dedicated to the client. 

Contact PBN Litigation Solicitors today for all your personal injury compensation needs.