The failure to treat medical negligence is when a GP, hospital consultant or A&E doctor fails to treat your condition when you have any possible symptoms. A medical professional should treat you according to your symptoms, and a failure to treat you could be medical negligence.
Your doctor owes you a duty of care. They must treat you with respect and address any symptoms and health worries that you report to them. If a breach of the doctor’s duty of care affects your health, you may have a medical negligence claim.
The failure to treat a possible heart condition or the early signs of cancer can have a serious effect on your life today and in the future. The sooner testing is done and treatment begins, the sooner you can start your recovery.
PBN Litigation Solicitors in Dublin are experienced medical negligence experts and can handle your failure to treat compensation claim*.
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What is a failure to treat claim*?
A failure to treat claim* is when you seek compensation for the medical negligence of a doctor not treating the symptoms of your possible condition. The failure to treat could happen in the GP surgery, the hospital’s Emergency department and when you visit the hospital consultant.
Over 107,000 incidents of medical negligence are reported in the Irish health service each year. Cases range from giving the wrong medication to treatment errors to errors in diagnosis. Close to 500 people in the care of the Irish health service every year suffer medical negligence, such as a failure to treat their illness promptly, which results in the need for long-term care and treatment.
A failure to treat your condition can lead to a worsening of symptoms and a longer time to recover from the ill-health. Knowing you could be ill but being told by the doctor that all is ok is failure to treat medical negligence, and you may have a compensation claim*.
PBN Litigation Solicitors will look at the details of your failure to treat medical negligence case and help make your claim for compensation*.
Common claims for failure to treat medical negligence
Among the common claims for failure to treat medical negligence are the failure to treat cancer symptoms and the failure to refer a patient for further cardiac tests. The medical professional examining you should take your symptoms seriously and treat you accordingly.
A GP or hospital consultant should not dismiss your fears and should always treat your condition until the symptoms are resolved.
Common claims for a failure to treat can be:
Failure to treat the signs of a cardiac issue
A failure to treat the signs of a cardiac issue can see the patient developing heart problems and may cause the doctor to miss a possible heart attack.
If a patient is ill enough to report to the GP or an emergency department at a hospital, the treating doctor should take their symptoms seriously.
A failure to treat the signs of a cardiac issue may be:
You may have a medical negligence claim for a failure to treat your symptoms of cardiac strain.
Failure to treat the signs of cancer
Any failure to treat the signs of cancer could have severe consequences for the patient suffering the medical negligence.
Cancer treatment is all about early diagnosis and beginning the course of medication, and any delays can only affect how the disease develops.
A failure to treat the signs of cancer can be:
PBN Litigation Solicitors can look at the details of your case to see if you have a valid failure to treat claim*.
Failure to treat the possible symptoms of diabetes
The failure to treat the possible symptoms of diabetes could lose valuable time in getting the disease under control and lessening the need for medication.
A patient showing the symptoms of diabetes should be treated with respect and not dismissed out of hand by the doctor or medical professional.
If you have a family history of diabetes or a lifestyle that could indicate diabetes, the doctor should take it on board and treat you accordingly.
A failure to treat a patient for diabetes may put their life in danger and could see them spending unnecessary time in hospital.
Failure to treat a patient by not referring them for further tests
The failure to treat a patient by not referring them for further tests is a common compensation claim* for medical negligence in Ireland. Instead of treating the medical concerns seriously, the doctor may endanger the patient’s health by not referring them for testing.
Types of compensation claims* for a failure to refer for tests could be:
A failure to treat by not referring the patient for tests can cause many complications, and the patient may have a compensation claim*.
Failure to treat a patient by not prescribing medication
Any failure to treat a patient by not prescribing medication could lose valuable treatment time and delay the beginning of a treatment that could solve the patient’s health issues.
Medication is a strong, effective tool in treating most diseases, and a failure to treat by not prescribing medicine may be medical negligence.
Claims for a failure to treat by not prescribing medication may be:
You may have a medical negligence claim for a failure to treat if the doctor does not prescribe you medication when necessary.
PBN Litigation Solicitors have the experience to listen to your case for medical negligence and help make the compensation claim*.
Compensation in a Failure to Treat claim*
Compensation in a failure to treat claim* in Ireland differs depending on the effects of the medical negligence and how much the patient suffers due to medical negligence.
You could have a heart attack if the doctors missed the early signs of one. The heart attack may leave you unable to work and even look after yourself for some time. Driving may be difficult, and looking after the kids or exercising could become impossible for a while.
The failure to treat the beginnings of a nerve damage issue could see you having time off work, and you could even suffer severe pain and discomfort when the nerve damage becomes worse.
There is not one fixed compensation award for a failure to treat claim*. You may seek compensation for the trauma and other changes to your life after the medical negligence at the hands of the medical professional.
You can claim medical negligence compensation to cover the costs of extra medical treatment, the loss of income, and paying for care.
With a medical negligence claim*, you seek damages for the effect of the damage to your health and well-being, the ability to work and on your future life.
A medical negligence solicitor can only give you an idea of what is possible in a failure to treat claim* for compensation.
PBN Litigation Solicitors can explain how the process works and how your failure to treat claim* will combine two types of damages.
Damages in a Failure to Treat claim*
Damages in a failure to treat claim* for compensation* are a combination of:
The two types of damages consider the effects of the medical negligence before, during and after the meeting with a doctor and its impact on your life today and in the future.
The role of a solicitor in a Failure to Treat claim*
The role of the solicitor in a failure to treat claim* is to advise you on all aspects of the case. The experienced solicitor will represent you in dealing with the insurance company, the HSE or the other legal team involved in the medical negligence claim.
In a failure to treat medical negligence claim*, the solicitor can:
PBN Litigation Solicitors can make your failure to treat claim* for you.
We have the expertise and the experience to guide you through a medical negligence claim and be with you throughout the process.
Make a Failure to Treat claim* today
Make a failure to treat claim* today by contacting PBN Litigation Solicitors in Dublin.
The experience of PBN Litigation Solicitors in dealing with all types of medical negligence can help you get the most from a compensation claim*.
You are the one who suffered a breach of duty of care by the medical professional. You are the one who had to undergo unnecessary surgery and extra treatment due to the advice of a hospital consultant who failed to treat you when you were first ill.
You could lose your income when you cannot work, or you may need to take a job with a lower salary than before the medical negligence. You could have a compensation claim* for any financial losses to the home.
You and other family members should not be out of pocket due to medical negligence.
Contact PBN Litigation Solicitors today and let us make your failure to treat compensation claim*.