Pharmacy negligence is medical negligence by a pharmacy which could affect your health or the health of a loved one. It is service below the standard another pharmacy would provide in similar circumstances, and you may have a compensation claim* for pharmacy negligence if it happens to you. 

You could suffer pharmacy negligence if the pharmacist gives you the incorrect medication, someone else’s medication or they give you the wrong dose or dose instructions. Pharmacy negligence may affect your recovery, and it could even take the life of a loved one. 

A medical negligence compensation claim* can seek damages if you suffer pharmacy negligence, such as receiving the wrong medication or the incorrect dose instructions. You claim for the effects of the medical negligence on your life today and in the future. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors in Dublin have the expertise and that vital experience in all types of medical negligence claims*. We will be with you throughout your pharmacy negligence claim* to get you the compensation you deserve.

What is a pharmacy negligence claim*?

A pharmacy negligence claim* is when you seek financial damages for the effect of medical negligence by the pharmacist on your life. The pharmacy owes you a duty of care, and if they breach that duty of care, causing you to suffer ill health, you could have a pharmacy negligence claim*. 

We trust the pharmacy and our doctors with our medical care. The doctor writes your prescription, and the chemist fills it out for you. If the pharmacy breaches its duty of care to you and makes a prescription error with your medication, you may have a medical negligence claim*. 

A recent report shows that medication error, like giving the incorrect medication or an incorrect dose, is the leading cause of avoidable patient harm worldwide. There were more than 69,000 cases of medication error in Ireland between 2019 and 2022. Around 10% of cases resulted in patient harm, and if you suffered, you could have a pharmacy negligence compensation claim*. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can discuss what happened with you and see if you have a valid pharmacy negligence claim* for compensation.

Start your medical negligence case today by contacting PBN solicitors.

PBN solicitors have that experience and understanding to be with you every step along the way of a medical negligence compensation claim*.

Common Pharmacy negligence claims*

Common pharmacy negligence claims* in Ireland range from medication and prescription errors to mistakes when informing a customer to errors in storing medications.

A pharmacy negligence incident can harm the patient, cause a delay in their treatment, and cause an illness to worsen. If you experience pharmacy negligence such as any medication and prescription error, you could have a pharmacy negligence claim*. 

Common pharmacy negligence claims* in Ireland:

  • Medication is given to the wrong customer claim
  • Incorrect medication given to a customer claim
  • Dosage instruction errors by the pharmacist claim
  • Expired or faulty medication dispensed to customer claim
  • Contraindicative medications are given to a customer claim

Medication is given to the wrong customer

Medication given to the wrong customer could cause an allergic reaction, putting the person in hospital or slowing their recovery from infection or disease. 

You may be on medication prescribed after surgery, and receiving the wrong medication could have serious consequences. 

The pharmacist could give a customer the wrong medication by:

  • Putting the wrong name label on the medication bag
  • Not checking the person’s name and address against the one on the bag
  • Putting the wrong medication into the bag

The customer may not realise they have the wrong medication until they suffer a reaction to it. 

Elderly people, the young or those with poor literacy skills are particularly vulnerable to a wrong medication error by a pharmacist.

Incorrect medication given to a customer

An incorrect medication given to a customer, such as penicillin, to someone who is allergic to it or the wrong drug given to a cancer patient, may make them very ill and even put their life in danger. 

If the pharmacy does not notice an incorrect medication error, or does not update the medical records it may be repeated and cause the patient many months of unnecessary suffering. 

An incorrect medication may be given to a pharmacy customer when:

  • The pharmacist does not read the prescription correctly
  • An update to a prescription is received but not loaded onto the pharmacy PC
  • The pharmacist makes an error when preparing the prescribed medication

An incorrect medication can have many serious effects, and you may have a pharmacy negligence compensation claim*.

Dosage instruction errors by the pharmacist

Dosage instruction errors by the pharmacist, such as telling a customer to take twice a recommended dose, can cause adverse reactions and affect their ability to work or live a normal life. 

The dosage instruction by the GP or hospital consultant is a vital part of the patient’s recovery, and any errors could cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. 

Dosage instructions errors by the pharmacist happen when:

  • The pharmacist does not read the prescription from the GP correctly
  • The pharmacist puts the wrong label on the medication bag
  • The pharmacist does not update a prescription when received from the doctor

Pharmacy negligence, such as dosage instruction errors, should not happen, but if you experience it, you may have a medical negligence compensation claim*. 

Expired or faulty medication dispensed to customer

When expired or faulty medication is dispensed to a customer, they could become very ill, not receive the benefits of the medication, and delay the course of their prescribed treatment. 

You should not receive expired or faulty medication from the pharmacist, and you could suffer a severe reaction to a medication that is out of date. 

A customer may receive expired or faulty medication from a pharmacy when:

  • The pharmacy does not run a stock control system
  • The pharmacist does not read the label before dispensing the medication
  • The pharmacist does not store a medication correctly, causing it to deteriorate

If you receive expired or faulty medication from the pharmacist, you could have a pharmacy negligence claim* for compensation.

Contraindicative medications are given to a customer

Contraindicative medications are given to a customer are when you are dispensed a medication by the pharmacy that will interact with another one you are taking. Many medications can interact with others, and they should not be prescribed together. 

The pharmacist should be aware of all medications you are taking and check the prescription carefully before dispensing any new medication to a customer. 

Contraindicative medications may be given to a pharmacy customer when:

  • The pharmacist does not check a patient’s medical records before dispensing a medication
  • The pharmacist does not ask a customer what medications they are taking
  • The pharmacist makes an error when making up the prescription

Contraindicative medications can cause many issues, and the pharmacist should check every medication before dispensing it to the customer. 

You trust the pharmacist to check your medications and ensure that you are getting the correct type, dose, and dose instructions. 

If the pharmacy makes an error with your medications and you suffer as a result, you could have a pharmacy negligence compensation claim*. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can look at the details of your case and see if you have a valid pharmacy negligence claim* for compensation.

Start your medical negligence case today by contacting PBN solicitors.

Compensation for pharmacy negligence

Compensation for pharmacy negligence in Ireland can see you receiving damages for taking or receiving medication that could cause you harm or affect your medical treatment. 

The compensation awarded in Ireland for pharmacy negligence differs depending on the injury or injuries you suffer, such as the consequences of a reaction to a medication or delays to your cancer treatment by taking the wrong medication. 

Medical negligence, such as pharmacy negligence, could cause unnecessary pain and emotional stress. You could spend time in hospital and be unable to work or look after family members in your care. Patients with mental health issues are particularly vulnerable to medication errors. 

There is not one fixed compensation award for any medical negligence claim*. A medical negligence solicitor can only give you an idea of what is possible when you suffer due to negligence by the pharmacy and what you can claim for its effects on you. 

Every compensation claim* is different. You may experience pain and suffering due to the incorrect medication or one that is contraindicative, which could affect your ability to work, travel, and provide for your family. 

With your pharmacy negligence claim*, you seek damages for the effect of the injury or injuries due to the medical negligence by the pharmacist today and in your future life. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can explain how the process works and how your pharmacy negligence claim* will be a combination of two types of damages.

Damages in a pharmacy negligence claim*

Damages in a pharmacy negligence claim* are a combination of:

  • General Damages in a Pharmacy Negligence claim*
  • Special Damages in a Pharmacy Negligence claim*

The two types of damages take into consideration the effects of the negligence by the pharmacist or pharmacy on your life today and its impact on your future.

General Damages in a Pharmacy Negligence claim*

General Damages in a pharmacy negligence claim** are compensation for the pain and suffering you experience due to errors when dispensing a medication for a diagnosed condition. 

For example, you may be able to claim General Damages for the delay to your treatment when they make an error with a prescription or give you a medication that is contraindicative with an existing one you are taking. 

General Damages may be claimed in any medical negligence case where the injuries cause pain and inconvenience and affect your ability to exercise, drive, play sports and other activities.  

Special Damages in a Pharmacy Negligence claim*

Special Damages in a pharmacy negligence claim* are for the financial effects on your life due to the medical negligence by the pharmacy, such as when you cannot work and provide for the family when recovering from delays in your treatment or the effects of a severe allergic reaction. 

You could be off work for a time or be unable to return to similar work with the same salary. 

With Special Damages you claim for: 

  • The loss of earnings
  • Care costs today and in the future
  • Out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, medical appointments, further treatment

Special Damages are for the financial effects of a loss of income when recovering from the pharmacy negligence. For example, you can claim special damages if you cannot work for a while due to taking the incorrect medications. 

You claim Special Damages to offset the financial costs of the medical negligence so you will not be out of pocket due to the actions of others.  

Each person in a pharmacy negligence claim* is different from another one. The financial effects may be heavier on you than on someone in a similar situation. If you have children, you may need to claim for their care while you recover from the errors by the pharmacist. 

You may claim for what is needed to maintain a similar quality of life as before you suffered due to the effects of pharmacy negligence.  

Your PBN Litigation solicitor can guide you on what to expect in compensation and how to make your pharmacy negligence claim*.

Who is eligible for compensation for pharmacy negligence in Ireland?

You may be eligible for compensation for pharmacy negligence in Ireland when the pharmacy or pharmacist breaches their duty of care to you. 

You are the injured party, and if the medical professional’s negligence could be the cause of your injury, you can claim for the effects of the injury on your life today and in the future. 

The compensation for the pharmacy negligence will help you get your life back on track and ensure you are not out of pocket due to the medical negligence. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can make your claim when you may be eligible for pharmacy negligence compensation.

Can I claim on behalf of a loved one for pharmacy negligence in Ireland?

Yes, you may claim on behalf of a loved one for pharmacy negligence. The financial dependents of a loved one who suffered due to the medical negligence can make a claim* for compensation in the case of their death or mental or physical incapacity to make the claim.  

Persons who can claim compensation on behalf of a loved one for pharmacy negligence in Ireland can be:

  • The spouse of the victim of pharmacy negligence
  • An adult dependent of the person who suffered the pharmacy negligence
  • Family members who relied on the patient, who suffered the pharmacy negligence, for care and financial support

Dependents may be able to claim the cost of personal care for life, adaptations to the home and any ongoing medical treatments and therapy due to the medical negligence suffered by a loved one. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can help with your claim from day one. We can advise who is eligible for compensation and be with you when making the pharmacy negligence compensation claim*.

Who can be responsible for pharmacy negligence?

The pharmacy that gave you the incorrect medication, the expired medication or someone else’s medication may be responsible for the pharmacy negligence that caused you harm. 

When the GP or hospital doctor wrongfully prescribes medication or makes an error with your prescription they also be at fault for a pharmacy negligence compensation claim*. The hospital pharmacist or the one at the privately owned chemist could be responsible for the pharmacy negligence, too. 

If you suffer as a result of pharmacy negligence, it is the medical professional, pharmacy chain or pharmacist who is responsible for the duty of care to you who may be responsible. 

If you suffer pharmacy negligence, those responsible could be:

  • The staff at the pharmacy
  • The pharmacist
  • The doctor who issued the prescription
  • The owner of the pharmacy chain where the error happened

PBN Litigation Solicitors can make your pharmacy negligence claim* against who is responsible for the medication errors with your treatment.

How can pharmacy negligence occur?

Pharmacy negligence can occur when the pharmacy or pharmacist breaches their duty of care to you. You trust in the pharmacist’s advice and that they will give you the correct medication and dose instructions when you are ill. 

If they breach their duty of care to you and do not give you a professional level of expected service you could suffer pharmacy negligence. 

Pharmacy negligence can happen when:

  • The pharmacist does not read the prescription correctly
  • The pharmacist does not read the medication instructions
  • The pharmacist does not read the expiry date before issuing a medication
  • The pharmacy does not follow storage protocol for medications
  • The pharmacy staff do not ask standard questions when selling over-the-counter medications
  • The pharmacist does not check your medication files when filling a prescription
  • Pharmacy staff do not check the name on the medication bag
  • The pharmacy does not run a buddy system to check medications
  • The pharmacy does not have a stock control system
  • The pharmacist dispenses a medication with known side effects
  • Poor administration standards in the pharmacy

You may suffer pharmacy negligence due to one or many errors on behalf of the pharmacy or pharmacist. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can make you a pharmacy negligence claim* when you seek compensation for damages.

Fatal pharmacy negligence

Fatal pharmacy negligence is when a patient dies due to a pharmacy error. It may be that a loved one suffered a fatal reaction when given the incorrect medication, or a long-term medication error affected treatment and resulted in a patient’s passing away. 

Financial dependents of the deceased may be able to make the claim for fatal pharmacy negligence. If the husband, wife, or children of the deceased relied on them for financial security, they may be able to make the fatal pharmacy negligence claim* for compensation. 

The dependents may be compensated for the loss of income today and in the future due to the fatal medical negligence. Depending on the circumstances, the dependents may have a substantial claim* when they lose a loved one due to fatal pharmacy negligence. 

At PBN Litigation Solicitors, we can help you and advise you when making a pharmacy negligence compensation claim*.

Make a pharmacy negligence claim* today

Make a claim* for pharmacy negligence today by contacting PBN Litigation Solicitors. 

You are the one who suffered the effects of pharmacy negligence, and you could suffer the effects for life. The incorrect medication, the expired medication or other pharmacy medication errors could make you very ill, and PBN Litigation Solicitors have the experience and expertise to manage your compensation claim*.  

If a loved one passes away due to pharmacy negligence, those left behind may be able to make a compensation claim*. When you or a loved one suffers unnecessary pain and trauma due to pharmacy negligence, PBN Litigation Solicitors are here to help. 

PBN Litigation Solicitors can take on your case and work with you to get the compensation you deserve.  

We pride ourselves in taking the stress out of medical negligence litigation by providing a service dedicated to the client.  

Contact PBN Litigation Solicitors today.