To make a medical negligence claim* in Ireland you follow a few simple steps to receive the compensation you deserve. The negligent party will throw all sorts of obstacles in your way, but holding your nerve, with the help of a good medical negligence solicitor, will get you through.

Medical negligence can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time. You could suffer medical negligence in Ireland during major surgery or when being treated by the GP for a minor infection. You make a medical negligence claim* for the impact on your life and damages you incur, such as increased medical bills.

The medical professional owes you a duty of care. It may be the paramedic in an emergency or the nurse at the cardiac care clinic, but if they breach their duty of care to you, causing you an injury, it may be medical negligence.

PBN Litigation Solicitors in Dublin will be with you to show you how to make a medical negligence claim*.

What is a medical negligence claim*?

A medical negligence claim* for compensation* is when you suffer a personal injury due to medical care below a standard any other medical professional would provide. 

It may be the GP who misses the early signs of diabetes or the oncologist who gives you a misdiagnosis of cancer, but if the medical negligence affects you, you could have a compensation claim*.

Many people in Ireland may not even realise they are a victim of medical negligence. They have known the GP for years and cannot believe that the doctor got the diagnosis wrong. The other side of the coin is that the medical negligence may have you off work, needing more intensive care and suffering a delay in beginning treatment.

The medical negligence may be due to long waiting lists, staff shortages and the medical professional being overworked, but none of that is your fault. You suffered the misdiagnosis of cancer or the missed diagnosis of a stroke and are suffering as a result.

You make a compensation claim* for the medical negligence and its impact on your life and that of your loved ones. The legal process to claim compensation may be complex, but with the right solicitor on your side, you will get through it.

PBN Litigation Solicitors will be at your side from day one and can make the medical negligence claim* for you.

Making a medical negligence claim* in Ireland

Making a medical negligence claim* in Ireland can be difficult at times, but you can take a few simple steps to make the compensation claim* easier for you and your family. 

It can be hard to lift yourself when ill or recovering from a severe illness, but it is best to make the medical negligence claim* as soon as possible. Having the details fresh in your mind, having the medical evidence clear for the record and knowing who to claim against will make the compensation claim* easier to process.

Following these few simple steps will make the claims process a lot easier for you.

It may seem obvious, but finding a good medical negligence solicitor will simplify everything about making a compensation claim*. 

A good medical negligence solicitor will have the experience to handle your claim. They will have a team in place to concentrate on your claim and know how to handle every part of the case.

The solicitor will immediately ask you to start gathering evidence: after all, the only way you can prove medical negligence is by showing the proof you suffered it.

You will have to get your medical records, possibly meet with medical experts to assess your injuries, and put into writing everything that happened from day one.

Making contact with the other side may sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but it is a serious part of making a medical negligence claim*. Your solicitor will have to present the claim when it is ready and make it against the correct party.

A medical negligence solicitor will know exactly who to contact on the other side of the negligence claim. It could be the HSE, the hospital authority, or the private medical provider’s insurance company, but the solicitor will do it for you.

Negotiation with the other side is critical in receiving compensation for medical negligence. If your case is strong, the other side will want to negotiate and settle on an acceptable level of compensation.

Your solicitor should not have any fears when going up against the solicitors or the insurance company representing the negligent party.

They will negotiate on your behalf and advise you when to take an acceptable offer of compensation.

PBN Litigation Solicitors have the experience in fighting medical negligence compensation claims* and will get you the money you deserve for your injury.

Start your medical negligence case today by contacting PBN solicitors.

PBN solicitors have that experience and understanding to be with you every step along the way of a medical negligence compensation claim*.

The role of a solicitor in making a medical negligence claim*

The role of the solicitor in making a medical claim is to advise you on all aspects of the case. The experienced solicitor will represent you in dealing with the insurance company, the HSE or the other legal team involved in the medical negligence claim*.

In a medical negligence claim*, the solicitor can:

  • Advise you on all aspects of the case
  • Advise you on time limits
  • Advise you on how to file a claim
  • Take on all legal representation for you in the claim
  • Avoid the case going to court
  • Represent you if the case goes to court
  • Advise if you have a valid medical negligence claim*
  • Advise you on the compensation you should expect and accept

PBN Litigation Solicitors can make your medical negligence claim* for you. 

Our team of medical negligence experts have the expertise and the experience to guide you through a medical negligence claim* and be with you throughout the process.

Make a medical negligence claim* today

Make a medical negligence claim* today by contacting PBN Litigation Solicitors in Dublin. 

The experience of PBN Litigation Solicitors in dealing with all types of medical negligence can help you get the most from a compensation claim*.

You are the one who suffered a breach of duty of care by the medical professional. You are the one who had to suffer unnecessary pain, went on the wrong medication or whose life was put in danger due to the advice of a medical professional who failed you when you were ill.

You could lose your income when you cannot work, or you may need to take a job at a lower salary than before the medical negligence. You could have a compensation claim* for any financial losses to the home.

You and other family members should not be out of pocket due to medical negligence.

Contact PBN Litigation Solicitors in Dublin today and let us make your medical negligence compensation claim*.